Miss Teen Texas USA – Haylee


Meet 17 year old Haylee Puckett, she was once a shy girl who struggled with self-doubt. However, through the power of a positive mindset, she blossomed into a confident teen, aiming to empower others to embrace their own uniqueness.

Haylee is a published author of an inspiring and impactful self-love journal that impacts Gen Z nationwide. She plans to attend Texas A&M University, aspiring to pursue dual degrees in Marketing and Communications, with the ultimate goal of owning a successful real estate brokerage firm.

As a UCA All-American Cheerleader, Student Council Vice President, and National English Honor Society member, Haylee exemplifies leadership and determination. She’s well accomplished and a fashion fanatic, but remains down to earth by finding joy in the simple things such as, fishing with her dad, thrifting, baking, and vision boarding.

Haylee’s story is one of empowerment, passion, and unwavering determination. She has a promising future with dreams of gracing the cover of Vogue magazine.

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